The following are examples of a few of GO Native's recent residential installation projects. To learn more about our residential installation services, visit our Installations page. If you're interested in receiving an estimate, sign up for a Consultation here.
Front yard beds refurbishment in native plants and kitchen herbs, with addition of new oak bed borders. Humble, Texas, April 2021.
Boxwood kept for screening, with native plants and kitchen herbs added to benefit wildlife and people. Humble, Texas, April 2021.
Blue-eyed grass, lanceleaf coreospsis, and other great native plants added to bed with crepe myrtles in Cypress, Texas. May 2021.
Side view of crepe myrtle bed with natives. Client requested GO Native leave ample space between plants for his own gardening. Cypress, Texas. May 2021.
Brick patio and native plant beds created for client. La Porte, Texas, November 2021.
Indian blanket and Peter's purple monarda in foreground, purple coneflower and lanceleaf coreopsis in background. Humble, Texas. May 2021.
Native purple passionflower, Passiflora incarnata, host plant to Gulf fritillary butterfly, blooming on trellis. Humble, Texas. June 2021.
Native American beautyberry in suburban front yard, feasted on by mockingbirds and cardinals. Humble, Texas. August 2021.